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Local book club politics taking its toll?

No one laughing at your Alan Partridge references?

The Dabblers’ Book Club is here for you!

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We're two idiots talking about books...

A book podcast for people who’ve never read Chaucer… and probably never will.

If you:

  • like books and/or need a nudge to keep reading

  • swear a lot

  • went to state school

  • feel like you’re not qualified enough to talk about books

  • have no one to talk to about your latest read

  • can’t stand pretentious book chat (think Wuthering Heights on Peep Show)

then this is the podcast for you!

The Dabblers' Book Club Podcast

Listen below for our latest episodes or subscribe on your preferred podding platform

Here's that Peep Show clip...

Mark Outsmarts The Twat In Jez's Book Club - Peep Show

Mark Outsmarts The Twat In Jez's Book Club - Peep Show

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